It is a question asked by millions, daily, Google in Zeitgeist 2007 reported this as being on of the top ten questions asked.
Like every teenager even I was confused on this topic, I did not know what to believe, there did seem to be a force which controlled it all, but a scientific analysis resulted in the conclusion that no such force can exist. But then, my dad explained it to me, in a way that met all the demands and answered all the questions of a teenagers' mind. He said, God is someone you turn to when you have no one beside you.
Here I want to specify something, I don't believe in god but I believe in God. Confused? Even I was when my teacher introduced me to the concept. God, with a capital G, is the soul force, the force that lives inside you and helps you in difficulties, and is always besides you, but, god, with a small g, is the controller of everything, who is inaccessible, who decides everything, the ultimate force. See the difference? "God" is the supreme soul force within, which guides you and has a significant role in life, your life and everybody else's life , on the other hand "god" is Ram, Jesus, Allah. God is never god, people never leave everything on God and live in fear, but god is God in a way that people do go to god for directions, they take guidance from god too, but the fact that people fear god is not ideal, the idea that god should be pleased through rituals and ceremonies and sacrifices is what is not ideal about the idea of god, and the major difference between God and god.
Why should you believe in something you can't see, feel and sense? The reason you should believe in God is that there are something's that are not in your control, but it is a truth that everything has a controller, everything is part of a bigger game, with a logic behind it, therefore it must be God who is in charge of these small things, and if you don't respect the logic, the controller then you don't understand the game. Believing in God does nothing but give you a moral support, add that 1% to your 99%. Imagine the scene, an English exam going on, you and your friend, with the same level of preparation sit down for the exam, the paper is easy, your friend is relaxed, he feels God is watching over him, he has full support of the God,you are a bit shaky on that, you have a sense of urgency, and in that urgency you leave out a 4 marker question by mistake, and your friend, he was calm and composed and completed the paper. Your results differ by 4 marks. This is exactly what happened to me, I was shaky on my belief in myself, but God could have provided that missing link, but I was even shaky on that, and thus I was a bit restless during the paper and the result was 4 marks off my paper. Now I have a fairer idea of the purpose and existence of God and it is working to no one's but my own benefit.
But any form it maybe, God or god, there exists something that keeps order out of things, and it is better to believe in it, to respect the idea and at least have someone who is beside you all the time.
But this is just one face of the God/god theory, which is more about believing in the controller of things not in our control, believing in a soul force, there is one more face to it, well established scientists have ascertained that everything is a part of a ultimate maths formula, every shape, every colour has a formula behind it, all things fit in just perfectly, the formulas to calculate different forms of energy have the same shape, though they consider different objects, who did this, why is everything in order, why are things so perfect?
I will write on this one when I start to understand the game, I have thought of many theories, some which are practical and some not so practical enough, when I am able to make order out of this chaos, you can have a bite from my pie of thoughts.
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